About Kevin Wu
Hi, I’m Kevin. I’m an engineering leader who loves science. I love creating software to make scientific discoveries. I enjoy taking products from zero to one.

GraphTV (Complete)
Visualize per-episode ratings of any TV series. AV Club touted that it “revolutionizes arguing about TV”. Also covered in Wired, Gizmodo, Flowing Data, Fast Company, Time, and others.

Bready — Site
Convert volumetric recipes into mass for maximal baking reproducibility.

A minimal browser new tab page that embeds the day’s Sidebar.io links into color inspiration from The Day’s Color. Helps me keep up with designs trends and news.

Firefly — Site
Find Haikus in the Bluesky firehose.

What Would PG Do? (Complete)
A site where you could search Paul Graham’s essays. Got made fun of by the internet, but what’s life without a bit of levity? The first product I built that had traction. Covered by TechCrunch, Inc, and others.

Releaselog — Site
Releaselog pulls in all of a project’s releases onto a single page so you can use ctrl+f to your heart’s content without dealing with pagnation.

Plasmyd (Acquired)
Collaborate over scientific papers. Think RapGenius for published papers. Read about our our launch on Techcrunch. We were acquired by Academia.edu.
Have an awesome idea you want to hack on with me? Is there an amazing new ramen shop that I need to know about? You can reach me at [email protected] or on Twitter.
with ❤️ from kevin